Adding Video elements to a Music DJ's bag of tricks opens up a whole new world of possibilities!
Exciting New Services only we can offer as a Music Video DJ!
Let's face it. Some performers have very large egos. They may be very good at what they do but not willing to change their "winning formula" to include some of the important details that will put your personal stamp on your event. Most people find this out too late. YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS UP FRONT. There are many ways to design a successful event. Your DJ should be a "sounding board" who listens to your ideas and then makes suggestions based on "experience" and what he/she has seen and done for customers in the past. Then you should make the final decision.
I will gladly accomodate your input and your ideas. My philosphy is the Burger King Motto. "We do it your way!"
VJ Earl hosted several very successful Tween Idol, Teen Idol and Adult Karaoke Idol competitions over the past decade!